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and Research Support (CIDAI)
Central American University (UCA)
Apdo. Postal 01-168, Boulevard Los Próceres
San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América
Tel: +(503) 210-6600 ext. 407
Fax: +(503) 210-6655
Proceso is published weekly in Spanish by the Center for Information, Documentation and Research Support (CIDAI) of the Central American University (UCA) of El Salvador. Portions are sent in English to the *reg.elsalvador* conference of PeaceNet in the USA and may be forwarded or copied to other networks and electronic mailing lists. Please make sure to mention Proceso when quoting from this publication.
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Editorial: To forgive and forget: a new version
Politics: The campaign of the congressmen
Society: The independence of the truth
To forgive and forget: a new version
It is forbidden
to talk about the past of the ARENA candidates. Any commentary that might go
beyond the line marked by the official biographies is considered an insult,
a low blow, or even a dirty campaign. The candidates of ARENA must be
accepted exactly as they are presented by the official sources of
information and advertising. Their records or their performance in the
public sector must be forgotten. The politically correct thing to do is to
discuss their projects. Besides saying that they were happy and restless
young people, dedicated students, maybe a bit rebellious, and with an early
desire to serve others and the country, it is forbidden to mention their
former political ground, or to evaluate their public performance. Any critic
that can be interpreted in a negative way is definitively rejected. The candidates that ARENA has proposed for the local government face three problems.
ARENA should
prove that it has more experience. The fact that its candidates do not come
from its own ranks is not something strange for the current politics. This
happens very frequently in other countries. The difference is that in other
countries this matter is acknowledged and debated during the electoral
campaigns, while in this country it seems to be ignored. The personal
evolution of the candidates who come from the left-wing can be an advantage
for a party like ARENA, since the extremes usually produce the contrary
effect. The converts are more radical than the faithful ones, since they
have to persistently show their loyalty to the new flag they embrace.
However, and it is necessary to accept it, certain embarrassing situations
do take place: a candidate of ARENA uses as her own the phrase “what shines
with its own light cannot be overshadowed”, when the phrase actually belongs
to a song that Pablo Milanés wrote for Fidel Castro, ARENA’s enemy number
one. What happens is that the past cannot be erased that easily. It always
leaves a trace, despite the conversions or the evolutions.
The campaign of the congressmen
Just a few months
away from the next legislative elections, one of the questions that
definitively torture the members of the Congress is the possibility to be
reelected. Consequentially, the most logical thing would be to find this
concern in the decisions and the most relevant issues that dominate the
debates in the Congress. This would be the time for the law initiatives that
tend to create a significant media impact, and for the pompous discourses in
favor of certain legislative projects. All of these aspects would be framed
inside the national political activity, in which –as far as the legislative
elections are concerned- the party’s structure is more important than the
image of a particular congressman. From this perspective, the war of words
at the Congress is an appendix of the fight between the parties.
The independence of the truth
The official
activities to commemorate the Central American Independence from the Spanish
Crown –and those events parallel to it- always show different convictions,
beliefs, and ideologies, with the risk of staying on a shallow ground. The
colorful patriotic symbolism, which is a characteristic of the festivities,
can confer a purely formal identity to the countries by presenting
unrealistic initiatives. In the same way, the activities and the parallel
discourses –mostly protests- can lead to equally unrealistic positions,
which might even fall into illegal actions. In El Salvador, the defenders of
one and another posture think of themselves as the exclusive bearers of the
truth, when the truth actually slips through their fingers.
Tel: +503-210-6600 ext. 407, Fax: +503-210-6655 |