Center for Information, Documentation
and Research Support (CIDAI)
Central American University (UCA)
Apdo. Postal 01-168, Boulevard Los Próceres
San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América
Tel: +(503) 210-6600 ext. 407
Fax: +(503) 210-6655
Proceso is published weekly in Spanish by the Center for Information, Documentation and Research Support (CIDAI) of the Central American University (UCA) of El Salvador. Portions are sent in English to the *reg.elsalvador* conference of PeaceNet in the USA and may be forwarded or copied to other networks and electronic mailing lists. Please make sure to mention Proceso when quoting from this publication.
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Editorial: The conflict of the Social Security Institute
Politics: The democratic consolidation process
Economy: The balance of the Salvadoran economy for the first semester
The conflict of the Social Security Institute
About three years
ago (The Problems at the Salvadoran Social Security Institute –ISSS, in
Spanish-, Proceso 880, November 24th 1999) it was published that –in a
moment in which the ISSS was going trough a crisis because of the demands
made by the labor sector- the problem of the ISSS was mostly a conflict
between the workers and the government. It was also mentioned that the
government had the obligation to take care of the workers’ concerns
regarding the possible effects that the privatization of the ISSS would
bring along. In the second place, it was mentioned that even if the problem
of the ISSS was a conflict that involved the workers and the governmental
authorities, the users could not be excluded, neither from the
interpretation of the problem nor from the solutions. In 1999 we said that
“a strike at one of the country’s most important institutions of the Social
Security System has a set of implications that are completely different from
a common strike at a factory or at any other kind of institution. That is
why it is necessary to understand that the solutions that might emerge to
resolve a conflict such as the one of the ISSS –from the governmental as
well as from the workers’ side- must seriously consider the impact of its
extension and how it affects the users”.
The democratic consolidation process
In the analysis
of the political transitions, the researchers describe a series of elements
necessary to explain the present stage of the Salvadoran political process.
A political transition is a group of characteristics of a new political
regime that can be distinguished by its new nature, very different from
other processes. However, this change does not mean that the new regime does
not keep the characteristics of the former one, in this case that would be
the authoritarian period. This could mean that it is possible to return to
the past. That is why Samuel Huntington talks about the “democratization
waves”. With this concept, he analyses the process of change as well as the
process of returning to an authoritarian stage that the apparently
successful transitions have experienced. Once the political changes take
place -the transition-, a consolidation phase emerges. The success of the
phase depends on how skillful the politicians are to give life to the new
institutions. It also depends on how compromised they are to gradually end
with the authoritarian past. That is why the consolidation is a difficult
task that takes time. The main political and social actors must get involved
in it.
The balance of the Salvadoran economy for the first semester
When an economic
balance of the Salvadoran economy took place by the middle of this year, it
was important to notice that –even if no one wants to be pessimistic- there
were clear alert signs about the country’s performance. The production grew
slightly, and because the construction sector grew in a disproportionate way
thanks to the reconstruction that took place after the earthquakes, the
commercial balance continues to reflect high deficits. Such deficits that
are compensated with the remittances, while the fiscal deficit increased in
relation to the last year, when the situation was not positive anymore.
Tel: +503-210-6600 ext. 407, Fax: +503-210-6655 |