Center for Information, Documentation
and Research Support (CIDAI)
Central American University (UCA)
Apdo. Postal 01-168, Boulevard Los Próceres
San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América
Tel: +(503) 210-6600 ext. 407
Fax: +(503) 210-6655
Proceso is published weekly in Spanish by the Center for Information, Documentation and Research Support (CIDAI) of the Central American University (UCA) of El Salvador. Portions are sent in English to the *reg.elsalvador* conference of PeaceNet in the USA and may be forwarded or copied to other networks and electronic mailing lists. Please make sure to mention Proceso when quoting from this publication.
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San Salvador, El Salvador.
Editorial: The legacy of the martyrs
Comentary: The democratic façade of the media
Comentary: Some contributions made by Ellacuría to resolve the conflicts
The legacy of the martyrs
This November
16th the UCA commemorates the XIII anniversary of the murder of the Jesuit
Priests and their collaborators, Elba and Celina Ramos. For the University’s
community, this event means –or should mean- a stop in the way, a moment to
reflect about the intellectual and the ethical heritage that Ellacuría and
the other martyrs left to us. This is also a moment to examine the way in
which we have taken care of that inheritance. They, with the example of
their lives and with the tragedy of their death, left to us an intellectual
and a symbolic inheritance and we must take good care of it so we do not run
the risk of wasting it. How will we take care of that legacy that now is the
patrimony of both the University and the Salvadoran Society? How can we
dilapidate that legacy?
The democratic façade of the media
The suffering of
Ignacio Ellacuría and the Jesuits, who were killed in 1989, is commemorated
in this month. He elaborated an accurate analysis about the situation of the
democracy in this country. His perspectives can be used now to study the
facts about the performance of the most important news media. We could say,
as he once did, that “in El Salvador there are democratic appearances, but
not a real democracy; all of the democratic appearances are kept alive as
long as they do not put at risk other structures”. Nowadays, the real
structures of power go through the defense of the interests of a small
elite, integrated by businessmen and their wish to continue shearing the
Salvadoran population. The news media are an echo of these interests,
wearing a democratic discourse.
Some contributions made by Ellacuría to resolve the conflicts
When father
Ignacio Ellacuría explained his interpretation about the “matter of the
masses” in an editorial under the same name, he did not do this thinking
about the ten years that would come after the end of the armed conflict in
El Salvador. However, his perspectives still have a surprising way to help
us understand the present reality. Without going too far, in his already
mentioned editorial he begins by saying that “during the last months, the
‘matter of the masses’ has taken an even more critical turn, not as a
theoretical discussion, but as a political interpretation and as a social
action. The increasing strikes and their radicalization (…) bring up once
again the subject of the masses and the role that the masses should play in
the present moment.” (ECA, 465, page 402).
Tel: +503-210-6600 ext. 407, Fax: +503-210-6655 |