Center for Information, Documentation
and Research Support (CIDAI)
Central American University (UCA)
Apdo. Postal 01-168, Boulevard Los Próceres
San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América
Tel: +(503) 210-6600 ext. 407
Fax: +(503) 210-6655
Proceso is published weekly in Spanish by the Center for Information, Documentation and Research Support (CIDAI) of the Central American University (UCA) of El Salvador. Portions are sent in English to the *reg.elsalvador* conference of PeaceNet in the USA and may be forwarded or copied to other networks and electronic mailing lists. Please make sure to mention Proceso when quoting from this publication.
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Editorial: The elections and the National problems
Politics: The electoral campaigns, the Debates, and the news media
Economy: The structural crackles of the Salvadoran economy
The elections and the National problems
To obtain a
favorable result after the elections is, at present, the main objective of
the Salvadoran political parties and its leaders. They think that all they
have to do is convince the citizenry that every political offer and every
candidate are the best options. For them, any intention to compare the
candidates or the parties does not make much sense. This is why certain
political circles reject the idea of a formal discussion, and do not want to
compare the projects of the candidates: there is nothing to discuss if they
think that they are the only viable option for the Salvadorans. This
“self-sufficiency” –which seems like an authoritarian behavior- turns into a
contemptuous attitude towards the political adversaries. This leads them to
believe that the people do not deserve to see the different proposals of the
parties. According to this authoritarian logic, the Salvadorans must accept
that only one party deserves to be supported, and that the rest should be
discarded without discussing their role in this society.
The electoral campaigns, the Debates, and the news media
An electoral
campaign should be an opportunity to discuss the social problems with the
citizenry. It should be a time to evaluate the kind of leaders that we have,
and to discuss the transcendental issues. Many things could be said about an
electoral confrontation; however, the main concern of those who reflect
about this important moment for the national democracy is to prevent
elections from turning into a simple mechanism to select the elite and
replace governments. That is why many people care about a serious and a
responsible discussion of the options, the political assessments and the
interest that are at stake in the present time.
The structural crackles of the Salvadoran economy
The general
perspective of the present economic situation has an ambivalent connotation.
On the one hand, it is imposed as the axis of the governmental apparatus, a
wave of actions to multiply the spaces and the positive concessions about
the foreign capital through free trade agreements. This reveals a perfect
symbiosis with the Neoliberal economic ideology: to open new areas to
accumulate profits. On the other hand, we see the continuous depreciation of
the productive machinery of the micro and the small business companies. To
this we can add the systematic disintegration of the agricultural sector,
the reduction of the purchasing power of the middle and the lower classes,
and a series of external factors which deteriorate the economic context.
Tel: +503-210-6600 ext. 407, Fax: +503-210-6655 |