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Proceso 1045
April 23, 2003
ISSN 0259-9864


Editorial: The challenges of the political parties after March 16th

Politics: A left-wing municipal project?

Economy: The political astuteness and the economic rationality (Part I)


The challenges of the political parties after March 16th


The results of the March 16th elections open an array of challenges for the five political parties that obtained positive results. Each and every one of them, according to the share of power that they have conquered, will have to undertake their own particular challenges in order to face the 2004 presidential elections.

According to the results of the elections, the PCN was the party that accomplished better results in the legislative area as well as in the municipal field. The question about the direction that this party will follow in the immediate future remains unanswered. A couple of options seem to be opened: to stay attached to the orders of ARENA in exchange for small favors, or turn the party into a responsible and a competitive political alternative. If they choose the second option, the risk they run is to lose the privileges that they have because of their submissiveness. The easiest thing to do is to keep being the almost unconditional partners of ARENA. To act on their own is more complicated, not only because they must take away a considerable amount of voters from ARENA, but also because they have to work harder to obtain the vote of those Salvadorans who are unhappy with both politics and politicians.

In other words, the members of the PCN will have to show that they have more political ambition during the new legislative period, which will begin in May, and this means that they will have to examine the axis of their unconditional alliance with ARENA. Until now, the price has been paid only by the official party, but it would not be so strange if this situation changes in the future. On the other hand, the new directors of the COENA will probably take the time to examine certain uncomfortable elements of their alliance with the PCN. However, the most important incentive that the PCN will have to consider, in order to change many of its habits, is the apparent competition of the CDU and the PDC to become the third political force of the country. There is no doubt that the CDU can definitively take the place of the PCN. The CDU is very popular nowadays because of some of its prestigious and relevant personalities, who are well known among the middle class and the urban sectors of the Salvadoran society.

Obviously, the most difficult challenges are not only for the PCN. The FMLN and ARENA also have to work hard to understand their position after the elections. The FMLN will have to face a double challenge: on the one hand, they need moderation to understand that having four more congressmen than ARENA has is not enough to feel like the most powerful party. On the other hand, they need to have a realistic perspective. The FMLN has to realize that reality is always more complex than the ideological schemes, and that the ideological formulas alone do not build a fairer national project.

In the worst of the cases, the members of the FMLN can wrongfully believe that they count with the massive support of the voters. And that would be a short-sighted and an arrogant attitude. Under these circumstances, the FMLN runs the risk of facing the next presidential elections without considering the positions of the other political sectors. However, the FMLN can also choose to be more flexible. In order to act as such, it will have to take advantage of its share of power at the Legislative Assembly, in order to propose realistic public policies and represent the interests of diverse sectors. If this was the case, the FMLN would be in a better position to start discussing a wide alliance with the different productive sectors of the country, which are presently unhappy with the political and the economic direction encouraged by ARENA.

Shaken by a set of electoral results that were not what they expected, the members of ARENA have two choices: to have an internal renovation or to harden their foundations. Those who understand the need of a change, as well as those who do not, have begun to measure their strength; however, it is not clear yet how their internal storm will end. The new members of the directive board will have to examine their relation with the PCN anyway, and the authoritarian tint that has always characterized this alliance. ARENA will also have to make a certain number of concessions about several fundamental issues for the Salvadorans, or to include more sectors in the discussion of their economic bets.

Instead of self-punishing themselves –as they have been doing since March 16th-, the members of ARENA will have to seriously think about fulfilling the promises they make. No one can forget that this is not the first time that ARENA shows the need to change. In the past, the official party made public that it had the will to interpret, in a realistic manner, the electoral results. In fact, after the municipal and the legislative elections of 2000, President Flores, a year after he had been elected, declared that he was willing to listen to the population and “cross the bridge” in order to get closer to his political rivals.

However, the President never crossed the bridge, and he never really did anything to improve the life standards of the Salvadorans. On the contrary, his administration was characterized by an arrogant behavior that did not achieve significant social results. The gap between the wealthy and the poor became even larger, and the social as well as the economic problems became more evident. Nowadays, the members of ARENA have no scruples to enumerate these problems.

Finally, the CDU and the PDC have their own challenges. The CDU has to expand itself outside San Salvador. It is not enough to count with competent individual figures, if a party does not count with an apparatus capable to take advantage of all of its resources. On the other hand, the PDC has to recuperate –to end with the menace of disappearing- the thousands of votes that it lost because of a political performance stained with corruption and incompetence. The PCN and the CDU share an immense challenge if they intend to play a starring role in the national political life. They have to conquer the aspirations of that part of the electorate that was not present at the last three elections, because if this sector actually participated as active voters, they would significantly alter the prevailing scheme of the political power.




A left-wing municipal project?


With the triumph of Carlos Rivas Zamora in the municipal elections of March 16th, it is the third time that the FMLN will administrate the City hall of San Salvador. It is not necessary to consider right now the impact that these consecutive defeats have caused in the minds of the members and the followers of ARENA. There is no doubt about the caustic feeling unleashed by the possibility of losing the presidency. However, it is not clear how the project of the FMLN should be understood. Is it a revolutionary project of the left wing? Or is it that during the last couple of administrations the FMLN has only worked with a certain decency and common sense? The declarations made by the leaders of the FMLN about their will to implement a Socialist project make it necessary to wonder about this situation. Therefore, it is necessary to ask if there are traces of that project in the local administrations of the FMLN.

The City Hall that the FMLN found
During the days in which ARENA administrated the City Hall of San Salvador, it was not unusual to hear the complaints about the municipal services. The concentration of services in a single building of the communal administration –to which the people did not have an easy access to, especially during the rush hours- was one of those complaints. In these conditions, to arrive to the offices of the City Hall of San Salvador, to wait in long lines, and to finally obtain the requested services, was an enormous set of tasks that many inhabitants of the city had to deal with. Some people found –because of the time that had to be invested and the difficulties that it represented- that it was easier to bribe an employee or follow an unorthodox procedure in order to receive the services they requested, instead of using the legally established channels.

On the other hand, in addition to the odyssey that the citizens of San Salvador had to go through to obtain a municipal service, the garbage recollection and disposal systems were inefficient. During the ARENA administrations, the municipality with the highest number of inhabitants threw the garbage on an open field. The management of the municipality was also a disaster, and the administration of the taxes was questionable. In addition, the authorities were not too worried to establish municipal rates according to the number and the quality of the rendered services to fulfill the demands of the citizens.

Under these circumstances, the voters of the city decided to change administrations. They punished ARENA (back then, their candidate was Mario Valiente, who ran for mayor intending to be reelected) in order to have a blind adventure with the FMLN. Until that period, the ex- guerrilla members had not handled such an enormous responsibility in the political administration of the country. In spite of that fact, the voters of the city put their destinies in the hands of an alliance between several left-wing parties with some organizations that belonged the civil society.

The positive effects of the administration of the FMLN
Ever since the municipal elections of 1997, the inhabitants of the city seem to be dazzled by the performance of the FMLN at the City Hall of San Salvador. And the most significant aspect of all this –challenging a series of postulates about the municipal electoral behavior of the Salvadorans- is that the FMLN managed to keep that administration. Without their “star” mayor, the FMLN still managed to keep that bastion of power. In addition, this chance was taken with a candidate who was considered unknown by many. Despite of the six years that Carlos Rivas Zamora had worked for the Silva administration, very few people believed that he was going to win running against Evelyn Jacir de Lovo.

In the light of the electoral results obtained by the FMLN, and especially considering the third consecutive victory in San Salvador, it is necessary to wonder about the medullar aspect of its success. In fact, ever since the arrival of Mayor Hector Silva to the City Hall of San Salvador, many things have changed. A project aimed to separate the municipal services with the creation of districts began. This way the users would be assisted in their own areas. As a corollary of this decision, the long lines of those who waited to obtain the municipal services were reduced, a better service was offered, and the number of frustrated citizens became smaller. In other words, a successful process of modernization was taking place in order to improve the quality of the services. In addition, a titanic task to recuperate the historic center of the city began, and the effort has survived despite the disputes with the ambulant sales people who are all over the city’s avenues.

On the other hand, the municipal administration of the FMLN has made certain changes in the administration of the municipality. The governments that belonged to ARENA –during their own administration periods- counted with the support of the Executive power to go ahead with some of its most important projects. They did not intend to increase the municipal tax rates, when an increase could have made the services more sustainable. Since Hector Silva did not count with the approval of the Central Government, he had to take economic measures to avoid the wastefulness that took place during the ARENA administrations, and to assure the permanent offer of the municipal services. The contribution rates were increased in order to keep the services of the City Hall operating.

Now it can be said that the City Hall of San Salvador offers a better service in terms of the recollection of the solid waste generated in the city, for instance. To hire a company in charge of the garbage disposal and the reduction of the environmental contamination of San Salvador has also been appreciated by the citizenry. Despite of the continuous attacks of the right wing against how expensive it is t have a sanitary fill, the citizens of San Salvador seem to have a different opinion about the project. And it could not be any different. Between throwing the garbage on an open field and a deficient system of recollection, the citizens preferred a safer project, even if it is more expensive. However, where is the personal seal of the left wing in the administration of San Salvador?

The FMLN has never missed a chance to declare its firm belief in a Socialist revolution. The difference is that now the party thinks that Socialism and democracy go hand in hand, and that it can be a goal achieved through the elections. It can be noticed that the left-wing administration of the city has been characterized by its decency. The administrations of ARENA never knew the meaning of this word. However, without the intention of taking the credit away from the performance of the left wing in San Salvador, it is necessary to wonder if this small demonstration can be considered as the prelude to Socialism.

It can be said that in politics it is necessary to take one day at a time. In addition, in El Salvador, it would take a great deal of decency to conduct the public affairs. Even in this case, however, it is not clear if the essential note of the left wing can be reduced to the recuperation of the necessary decency to administrate the public affairs. In addition, it is very probable that a task such as the one carried out by Hector Silva during both of his administrations, could have been performed just as well by any other person –even a member of the right wing- as long as that person had the capacity to distinguish right from wrong. In other words, the performance of the City Hall of San Salvador since 1997 does not have any distinctive feature of what can be called the left wing. Even if the left wing’s administration might be called “revolutionary” if it is compared with the administration of the right wing, it is very probable that it might be far from being considered a left-wing municipal administration.

The mayors who belong to the left wing all over the world are characterized by how they make the decisions that have a different connotation. In a Neoliberal world, which is dominated by those who have more strength, the key factor is solidarity. In an environment dominated by authoritarian and centralized governments, it is necessary to promote the participation and the horizontality of the relation between the administrations and the citizens. In a context where there is no respect for nature, the importance of the environment has to be rescued. And, finally, in a chauvinist and an unequal world, it is necessary to protect the rights of those who are weaker. It is no secret that the most important features of the left wing’s administration periods in the municipality of San Salvador did not precisely reflect any of the characteristics listed above. Mayor Silva lost his bet to modify the taxation structure of the city. The effective participation of the citizenry, especially that one of the most vulnerable people, is still an uncompleted task. The sanitary filling that was approved as an emergency is not the most symbolic solution to the problem of the garbage disposing system.

The challenges of the new administration
After listing the former considerations, it is clear that if the new administration of the FMLN does not intend to spend three years talking about the same achievements accomplished through the last six years, it has to face a different number of challenges. In the first place, it has to find a strategy efficient enough to resolve the problem of the regressive taxes in San Salvador. The argument of the right wing cannot be sustained any longer. The duty of all the governments is to find the adequate political means to work with fair ideas that involve the needs of the citizenry. In this sense, combining the settlements made with the business owners of the city with the necessary pressure of the legislators of this party, it is necessary to examine the present tax structure.

On the other hand, it is time to initiate the second phase of the environmental project of San Salvador and the other municipalities under the administration of the left wing. Once the emergency phase has ended, it is necessary to understand that the treatment of the solid waste has a larger number of components, such as the civilian education, and the separation of the waste, among other issues. In addition, it is about time that several characteristics such as participation and transparency occupy a key position to administrate the local power. As long as the FMLN is able to consider these issues as a priority, it will not only be making a difference with its left-wing revolutionary project, but it will also be preparing the pathway to a fourth period to conduct the most important municipality of the country.




The political astuteness and the economic rationality (Part I)


During these days, the news media have centered their attention in the diverse economic measures that both the Executive power and the Legislative Assembly implement. The Executive power, with a set of measures that intend to “alleviate the family economy”, is seeking to reduce the high prices of the electric energy services, increase the pensions, and grant credits to encourage the activities of the coffee-growing sector, among other things. Another group of important economic measures is also being promoted from the legislative area. Several political parties intend to reinstall the doctors at their former positions, and pay them the salaries that they did not received during the last seven months. They also intend to eliminate the traffic fines issued from 1996 to March of this year; and modify of the Income Tax Law, going from a level of non-levied utilities in the range of 75,000 to 100,000 colones.

The economic measures have generated a series of reactions in the national political life. Those who feel more identified with the right wing insist that the measures promoted by several legislative fractions –such as the incorporation of the doctors to their jobs, and the forgiveness of the fines owed by the bus drivers- are all popular measures. And that is because the political parties that promote those measures intend to ingratiate themselves with certain sectors of the society, in order to count with their support for the next elections. However, it is also important to know the opinion of those who feel identified with the left wing. For them, the measures announced by the government fundamentally have a political motivation, because the insistence on promoting them depends on the amount of sympathy that the voters will –or will not- show for ARENA during the 2004 presidential elections. Therefore, it seems as if the governmental administration is generating a series of important changes for the development of the country’s economic activity. This change of direction should oblige the official party as well as the rest of the political parties present at the Legislative Assembly to consider the possible economic effects of the measures that are not always reasonable.

Given the activities of the national political scenery, it can be said that most of those decisions that will affect the economy might be strongly influenced by the purpose to increase the amount of votes during the next presidential elections. In other words, when it comes to make decisions of this nature it seems that the most important aspect of all is a political interest and not the economic considerations. That is why when it comes to decide what will the economic measures will be, the political benefits are evaluated first, and the economic damage becomes a secondary aspect.

It is important to notice that the intention of the party that controls the Executive power as well as the parliamentary opposition is –through their alleged compromise with the “Salvadoran citizenry”- to start their political campaigns with the right foot. They do not seem to realize that, in the long-term, such decisions can critically affect the society, because they did not act cautiously when they make them.

A considerable part of the economic measures that are being promoted will not protect the fiscal equilibrium. In this sense, the measures that are related with the fiscal aspect are the reform to the Income Tax Law, the increase of the pensions, and the exoneration of the traffic fines (from 1996 to March of this year). Obviously, it is necessary to realize that some of these measures might be vetoed, sanctioned, or examined by the President, but that does not erase the incongruity of the measures with the basic demands of the economy. At the Legislative Assembly, on the other hand, they are discussing the approval of a series of loans. Even if this discussion could have a certain economic rationality, everything seems to indicate that it is the pre-electoral political game what is actually controlling the rhythm of the negotiations inside the First Organ of the State. Those loans are destined to:

- Support the coffee-growing sector
- Become an investment to renovate the infrastructure of the electric energy generating sources
- Create and improve several public hospitals

Rhetorically speaking, the Executive and the Legislative sectors are showing a great amount of interest to grant some kind of economic benefit for the Salvadoran population. Now that the country is going through an extremely delicate economic situation, and there is a weak economic growth with a declining production, it is not very reasonable to increase the expense and the investment levels. That decision will only increase the uncertainty of the economic performance of the country in the mid-term. In other words, it is necessary to take the indispensable precautions not to increase the governmental expense beyond the financial possibilities of the State, which are connected with the State’s fiscal development. The governmental investment levels should also be considered according to the country’s capacity to handle its financial engagements in a responsible and a solvent manner.

The measures promoted from the Executive and the Legislative power could not only face serious macroeconomic complications, but microeconomic difficulties as well. Regarding this situation, it would be important to ask one question: do the economic measures promoted by the Executive and the Legislative power equally benefit the Salvadoran population? This question must be answered cautiously. Many of the measures promoted by the Legislative power instead of looking after the welfare of the Salvadoran population, have really been discussed to make a positive impression on a particular group, call it the owners of the bus companies, the doctors, or the businessmen, among others. In other words, the fundamental motivation is not to benefit the Salvadoran population in general, but to count with the support of the aforementioned groups during the next presidential elections.

According to all of the aspects listed in this article, it is important to make those considerations about the political and the economic reality of the country, in order to understand the motivations of the Executive and the Legislative power to promote certain economic measures.




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