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and Research Support (CIDAI)
Central American University (UCA)
Apdo. Postal 01-168, Boulevard Los Próceres
San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América
Tel: +(503) 210-6600 ext. 407
Fax: +(503) 210-6655
Proceso is published weekly in Spanish by the Center for Information, Documentation and Research Support (CIDAI) of the Central American University (UCA) of El Salvador. Portions are sent in English to the *reg.elsalvador* conference of PeaceNet in the USA and may be forwarded or copied to other networks and electronic mailing lists. Please make sure to mention Proceso when quoting from this publication.
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Editorial: The gap between tradition and reality
Politics: Mystified Independence
Economy: The PYME before the Free Trade Agreement with the United States
The gap between tradition and reality
The right wing adds to the list
of lost values the fact that the people have lost the thrill for the
patriotic symbols and the rituals. It did not use to be that way. In the
past, the society vibrated with the patriotic celebrations. Nowadays, the
population is only interested in the show that a parade can offer. Therefore,
the right wing is not completely wrong. It is true that the students still
sing the national anthem and honor the flag; however, the right wing
perceives that something is missing, that a very important bond has been
broken, and that, naturally, the values have to be saved. Only the
immigrants probably get together to reaffirm their identity, because they
get excited with the traditional patriotic ideals. Nevertheless, the right
wing does not seem to realize that nostalgia is the bond that unites those
immigrants. This is a nostalgic feeling for both the past and the lost lands
where they were born. It is necessary to wonder why that land that they miss
so much does not say much to today’s young people and the society in
Mystified Independence
One more year of the Central
American independence was celebrated during September 15th. There were
colorful parades, pompous official discourses, and grandiloquent
declarations about the meaning of the freedom conquered 182 years ago. This
year’s celebration had its share of military parades, and a display of
fireworks that are commonly associated with the army and the commemoration
of independence.
The PYME before the Free Trade Agreement with the United States
During the last weeks, we have
been able to see the compromise of the state and the private business
companies to strengthen the sector of the Small and the Medium Business
Companies of the country (PYME, in Spanish). The objective is to improve the
skills of these productive areas before the serious challenges that the
establishment of a free trade agreement with the United States brings. A
series of business meetings, organized during the last weeks, intend that
the PYME implement association mechanisms that allow them to reduce their
operational costs. During those meetings, several international institutions
such as the Inter-American Bank of Development and the Spanish Cooperation,
through the different Central American governments are granting a series of
micro credits for the improvement of the PYME.
Tel: +503-210-6600 ext. 407, Fax: +503-210-6655 |