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Editorial: Too much too soon
Politics: Flores and corruption
Economy: Why wait?
Too much too soon
A corrupt former public official
who belonged to the present governmental administration and a former
congressman who was involved with the drug dealing business were both
recently arrested. Their arrest is a meaningful effort for the fight against
crime. This seems to be the beginning of a systematical effort against both
corruption and the drug trafficking business, an action that could mean a
successful operation for the Salvadoran police. However, it is still too
soon to say if this is in fact the result of a long-term effort. Their
arrest seems more like an extraordinary operation. The Salvadoran police did
not have much to do with it. The courts of law prosecuted and revealed this
case of corruption for a reason that has not been made public yet. The
former official was not very lucky and he was punished with the prosecution
of his crime. When the judge allowed the authorities to proceed and arrest
him he had already ran away. It was the international police, the French
police to be exact, the one that arrested him. The former congressman that
was involved in the drug-trafficking business was not arrested by the
Salvadoran police either, but by an American security team in Panama, during
last November. He was taken to the United States for a trial. He will
definitively spend quite a few years in prison.
Flores and corruption
The Flores administration will
end in a few months, and that is why it is convenient to start evaluating
the main proposals of his government. The President himself seems to be
involved in this logic. Lately, there has been plenty of publicity about his
accomplishments and many of his ministers seem to be evaluating the
President’s performance. All of them, the President and the ministers are
trying to focus on the governmental accomplishments. According to them, the
actions of this administration know no precedents. All of the paraphernalia
that comes along with the publicity about these “impeccable accomplishments”
cannot be taken out of the electoral context. However, this publicity is due
to the fact that Flores wishes to make a lasting impression on the
collective memory of the country. It is important to remember, for example,
that last year several leaders form ARENA dared to question the mistakes
made by the government in the field of social investment. They thought that
these mistakes led to the electoral defeat of 2003.
Why wait?
Exactly when we are just a few
weeks away from the presidential elections, the political parties have not
been very precise about their governmental plan. As for the economy, ARENA
just keeps saying that it is necessary to maintain the system of freedoms
and that, therefore, it is necessary to accept that the country is on its
way towards development. According to this belief, it would make no sense to
change the direction of things by choosing a new government that might waste
the alleged achievements of the last 15 years. On the other hand, the
opposition that comes from the left wing says that the time has come to
change the prevailing economic policy.
Tel: +503-210-6600 ext. 407, Fax: +503-210-6655 |