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Proceso 1103
June 23, 2004
ISSN 0259-9864


Editorial: A new style for the same thing

Society: Education, women, and the labor market

Economy: The employment pact or the monologue of the right wing


A new style for the same thing


The first discourse of the President seems to be a sample of a new style to administrate the country. If this is true, this period will have the possibility to be different than the other administrations. This new style is about listening with humbleness and patience, about working with serenity, about looking for answers with human sensibility, and about serving others. His priority is the disposition to listen and negotiate with all of the social sectors, particularly with “those that are less fortunate and helpless”. It is an attempt to establish a direct relation between the government and the people, and to show them that the government is there for them and not only for the business elite. It is a local proposal based on the needs of the people.

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the new President is willing to listen and tour periodically. He seems to be convinced that this is the only way to administrate the country. However, there are no guarantees but his promise and his personal experience. In any case, he publicly stated that he would be open minded, accessible, humble, patient, tolerant, and willing to reach the necessary agreements, with an exception. He would not be willing to tolerate an “intransigent” opposition, a clear reference to the FMLN, or at least to the most radical sector of this party. However, the FMLN has not been excluded from the first meetings with the other political parties and the mayors.

This attitude is in fact new, and, to a certain point it is also unpleasant, given the experience that the country had with the last administration. Differently from his predecessor, Saca does not think that he owns the truth, and he stated that it is indispensable to count with the support of people in order to administrate the country in a proper manner. The new style was confirmed in the first governmental actions, which have not been limited to the events with the President –who has had meetings with the political parties, the mayors, and the business elite-, many of the members of his cabinet have followed the same line. It is too soon to say how deep will be the “gap” that the Saca administration will establish in reference to the last presidential period. His availability will be tested when the time to make decisions comes. Nevertheless, there are already shadows that seem to indicate that even if the style is new, the actions will be the same. In other words, the Saca administration will follow the same line of the former governments, but with a personal style, which does create a difference in the way that the country will be administrated. However, the intentions remain the same.

Saca aspires to have a government with an intense human character, and therefore, a government that is very sensible to the needs of the population. For him, poverty is the obstacle that has to be defeated, because it prevents the population from developing all of its potential. Perhaps, thinking about what the opinion of the business elite will be, the President bases his position on the fact that for years the multilateral banks point at the need to pay attention to the social agenda as an indispensable requirement for both the growth and the economic development. Therefore, there are reasons to suspect that the social matters are understood as a palliative resource before the presence of the destruction caused by the Neoliberal economic policy. The proposal is nothing new, it had been contemplated in the first approaches of the of the Neoliberal scheme. Its viability depends on a social agenda able to repair the most critical damages caused by its reforms and its adjustments.

The ARENA administrations, and the national right wing have never given any importance to the social matters. Poverty has been the common denominator of its governments, each one of them has formulated the definition of poverty that they have pleased without much consequences. This is not a new issue, and the indifferent attitude used to handle it is nothing new either. It seems that, for what can be inferred given the intentions of the President, the party and the right wing would have already understood that that dimension of the national reality cannot be forgotten. That is why Saca speaks about stagnation, and his interest to improve the governmental agenda. Therefore, the social affairs would always be subjected to the economic policy, and the former would not have an identity of their own. In order to do that, it would be necessary to radically modify the Neoliberal economic scheme, and the new administration is not willing to do that.

If he will not follow the line of the economic dogmatism, and if he will not “disproportionately” venerate the logic of the market, how can we interpret the compliments to his predecessors, and particularly, to the last president of ARENA? If they set the foundations of the Neoliberal scheme, perhaps the new President considers that his duties are just to “see that the public and the private interests live up to their potential”. In other words, no one can expect substantial changes. Lost between the social and the personal rhetoric, President Saca stated that the creation of employment depends on the increasing of both production and competitiveness, on the commercial openness, on the foreign investment, and on a pact of employment with the “great capital”. He did not specified the terms. The free trade agreement with the United States remains as the quintessential solution –“an incalculable space for development”, “a win-win deal for everyone”, “the benefits of globalization, the good qualities of an open market”, “prosperity”-.

In other words, the fundamental lines of the scheme are the same. He even raved about the will of his predecessor, “nothing and nobody will stop us”. The most specific promise for the depressed agricultural sector was the rural police. It is hard to think that this posture was a simple tactic to ease the worries of the business elite and the Neoliberalists of the party. The fourth ARENA administration would be, basically, more of the same but with a personal style and the palliatives recommended by the designers of the Neoliberal scheme. It is important to remember that ARENA moved quickly in order to avoid an economic transformation.

In his first tour, President Saca did not listen much, and he only paid attention to those who said what he wanted to hear. If he really wants to listen to what the population has to say, he has to avoid the parody of the first encounter, and drastically reduce the amount of propaganda focused on his image. An encounter to have a dialogue runs the risk of turning into a show for the cameras, and not into a meeting with the people and their problems. At the moment, everything seems to indicate that the contradiction between his discourse and the actual governmental administration will be handled with the publicity about the image of a close, a smiling, and a friendly President. Here the personal qualities of President Saca for the public relations have an inappreciable value, since they are vital to keep this contradiction. The official image imposes itself with the same totalitarian attitude that Flores had.




Education, women, and the labor market


The social and the economic conditions of the Salvadoran families are critical aspects of the every-day life. The performance of the country’s economy is characterized by a deterioration of its activities, a high level of unemployment, and an informal sector that is constantly growing. In this context, there are other particular elements that affect the conditions in which the families live, especially those families that have women at the head of the home. In El Salvador, there are approximately 510,358 homes in this situation. This figure corresponds to 33.5% of the total number of homes. That is why it is important to know what is the income level of these women, since this could throw some light on the economic conditions of these families, and, in addition, reveal the biased issue of the genders in the performance of the economy.

It has constantly been said that one of the most important roads for the development of a country is education. Those who keep this thesis alive say that an adequate process of education is connected, for instance, with better standards of economic remuneration. Therefore, one efforts of the State should head itself to make it easy to have access to education. This thesis cannot always be technically proven right. This could be due to the fact that its defenders evade the idea that man and women are not equally remunerated, even when they have the same level of education.

In El Salvador, in general terms, the average salaries tend to grow accordingly with the educational level. A person that has never followed a formal education process could have an average salary of $126.60 dollars per month. On the other hand, those who have finished high school and have a superior level of education are able to make approximately $575.70 dollars a month. It seems odd that this tendency of the salaries is not a steady one. For example, those people that studied from the first to the ninth grade have access to a very similar amount of remuneration (between $180.9 and $201.6 dollars). There are also those that had the possibility to go to high school or get technical training. These people have an average salary of $283.10 dollars. There are those that have been able to have a college or a university degree with an average salary of $575.70 dollars.

In the case of the women, this information is not consistent with their daily lives, because they have a low level of remuneration if compared with the salaries that men receive, even when women have had the same level of education. There are always exceptions; however, for the women who have an education level between the first and the ninth grade, the salary that men receive with the same education level receive is 35% higher than the one of these women. The men that have finished high school are paid approximately 58% more than the women with the same level of education.

When the higher levels of education are analyzed, the difference in the salaries that men and women make seems to grow wider. The professional field is the one that has the largest gap. A man can practically make an income twice the amount of the one that a woman can make in this field. However, some people could say that these differences are fundamentally the result of the fact that even if men and women have the same level of education, that does not mean that they work in the same sector of the economy or that they have the same identical responsibilities, something that could actually determine the level of remuneration. This article will focus on the fact that even if this element is taken into consideration, the formerly described differences in the salaries are a fact.

The group of workers that represent the higher levels of discrimination in the professional field are directors, officials, and scientists. Inside the private corporations and the State, those people that have a “medium amount of control”, receive a monthly salary of approximately $1,300 dollars. There is a considerable difference between the salary that a men and a woman receives. At this level, men make 46.5% more than women, and, in absolute terms, this difference is $429.15 dollars.

In the professional and the scientific field of work this salary gap is $430.36. Everything seems to contradict the thesis that says that the salary level corresponds to the educational level. This relation generally works among women, but it loses its value in relation to the men with the same academic level.

If this phenomenon is observed through the different branches of the economic activity, the results tend to vary. There are sectors where women make a larger income than men do: construction, transportation, department stores, communications, public administration, and defense. Even so, in the educational field men earn 70% more than women do. According to this information, the merits of the academic background are not really taken into consideration when it comes to the remuneration of men and women, even when they have practically the same level of education. This means that in the scientific and the professional field there is a dramatic difference between the salaries of men and women.

In addition, in those branches of the economy where qualified working skills are not required, women are discriminated. In the maquilas, the general characteristics that reflect the situation of women are the following: 80% of the staff are women between the ages of 20 and 26. Among these women, 50% are forced to work beyond the 44 laboring hours that are legally established because of the production “goals” programmed by their bosses and supervisors. Approximately 47% of these women suffer from respiratory complications due to the inadequate conditions in which they perform their tasks inside the factories, especially because of the lack of ventilation. On the other hand, 40% of the maquilas installed in the country have been reported for, mistreatments, threats of firing people, salary cuts, and physical violence (see the document of the CEPAL titled “The working and the economic situation of the maquila in El Salvador: an analysis of gender”).

In this context –a growing number of women who become the heads of the home, the existence of a considerable difference between the salaries for men and women in favor of men, the precarious employment conditions for women-, it is necessary that the State makes a systematic effort to promote the public policies that can help the society to eliminate the discrimination of salaries and the mistreatments inside the factories and companies. These changes would bring many benefits for the country, especially if the person that provides for the family is a woman. Women represent 55% of the Economically Active Population (PEA, in Spanish). A measure of this nature could increase the life standards of more than half of the PEA.




The employment pact or the monologue of the right wing


President Saca had a meeting with several businessmen to discuss how to increase the employment level. These businessmen are old acquaintances: the business elite gathered at the ANEP, and the nucleus of thought that they sponsor, FUSADES. The director of the Salvadoran Banking Association (ABANSA, in Spanish), Gustavo Belismelis, the members of the governmental cabinet, and other important business people attended to the meeting as well. However, far from the expectations of the media, created by the conclave, there are no signs that could allow us to see if there will be any changes inside the labor policy of the last few years. The alleged dialogue between the businessmen and the President was nothing but a conversation held by the most important figures of the hegemonic block of the right wing, numerous intellectuals, public officials, bankers, and men of the industry that have traced the destinies of the country during the last fifteen years.

A meeting full of flattery
The discussion was about the creation of an institutional ground for an “employment pact” between the businessmen and the government. This initiative had been announced on June 1st, during the presidential inauguration. However, this particular encounter was the scenery to pay mutual respects. Camaraderie was the rule. Belismelis said “this will be an exemplar government, there will be a dialogue with each sector”, and he also mentioned that the Salvadoran banking system was willing to support the decisions of the government. The president of FUSADES, Antonio Cabrales, stated, according to a press release from the Presidential House, that the associations that he represents felt satisfied with the meeting “especially because they felt that everyone heard what they had to say to the Saca administration”. Cabrales also said that they were at the disposition of the President: “we want that the President counts with his tank of thought, that is, FUSADES”.

By the end of the meeting, President Saca said that he would keep in constant communication with the business sector, and that one of the first steps would be to establish a dialogue table directed by the Vice-President Vilma de Escobar and integrated by the technical secretary of the Presidency, Eduardo Zablah; the minister of the Internal Revenue Service, Guillermo López; the minister of Economy, Yolanda de Gavidia; and the commissioner for Governance, Gloria Salguero. The new President wanted to speak about a public issue: the union between his administration and the business elite, the same people who financed his campaign.

A table for just a few people
The initiative of Saca responds to his intentions to establish a dialogue with all of the national sectors. He has been repeating this statement since he was developing his campaign. “In order to govern –said during his presidential inauguration- it is necessary to know how to listen”. His disposition to establish a dialogue process was one of the virtues of his powerful advertising campaign, which led ARENA to its fourth governmental period. The pact for employment, in the best of cases, is a first step to establish the foundations of a national dialogue. However, experience suggests more of an skeptical attitude.

Saca listened to most people during his campaign tour around the country. His faithful allies had a recent meeting with him, that is, the business elite, that together with the financial sector and the state’s apparatus controlled by the official party, form a union able to make the decision for the country without any obstacles on the way. Outside that circle, there are those who, thinking differently from the official discourse, did not meet with the President simply because they do not fit in that exclusive group. Other national sectors that have to do with the labor conditions in the country did not arrived to the meeting either. The representatives of the workers were not there.

In a less optimistic scenery, the widely advertised pact of employment is nothing but a monologue of the right wing, a sector interested in keeping a false open image for the political, the social, and the economic sectors of the country. This is the old and failed strategy used whenever a new administration period begins, the same strategy of open arms and will that characterized, for instance, the beginning of the Flores administration. In this sense, Saca has the challenge to fulfill his promises, the promises he made during the electoral campaign, and the challenge to open his circle to include those that do not necessarily share his perspectives.

Outside the presidential office
The situation of the national employment level does not seem to be as positive as the official discourse sustains. The statistics used by the government speak about an unemployment level of 6.2%; however, it usually evades the growing phenomenon of both the informal jobs and under-employment. For 2002, for instance, 49.7% of the urban population began to work in the informal sector, and women ended up representing 52.5% of the total number of informal workers, according to a recent study made by FUNDE. For the same year, the under-employment level represented 17% of the Economically Active Population (PEA, in Spanish), definitively a high level. The same report indicated a series of methodological limitations, which suggest that the official statistics are not necessarily accurate, and that, therefore, the unemployment, the under-employment, and the informal employment levels are much higher.

The announcement of the employment pact was parallel to the presentation of the report made by the Human Rights Watch organization that denounces the humiliations that children suffer in the sugar plantations located all over the country. This report has created a debate between those that, just like the editorialist of El Diario de Hoy, consider that it is better to see children working extra time than to see them committing crimes on the streets or joining a gang. There are others who, on the other hand, say that children should not be working beyond the regular schedules because they are exposed to terrible dangers for their health, and because this prevents them from having full access to education and to other benefits.

The same organization also reported by the beginning of the year the abuse committed against the girls who work as house maids in El Salvador, explaining that their duties interfere with “their education and they are exploited, economically speaking. They are exposed to hazardous duties, and the Salvadoran legislation might be violated here, as well as the international rights’ accords”. The truth is that children working as adults is one of the most important challenges for those that have discussed with the President the situation of the national employment level.

The hegemonic group of the right wing does have the capacity to change the employment situation in the country due to its mobilization capacity, its resourcefulness, and its cohesion. However, it suffers from a chronic apathy. The business elite is not interested in anything that goes beyond its ambiguous notion of “the social responsibility of the business companies”, and its members believe that to help others is the duty of the philanthropists and public charity associations.




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