Center for Information, Documentation
and Research Support (CIDAI)
Central American University (UCA)
Apdo. Postal 01-168, Boulevard Los Próceres
San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América
Tel: +(503) 210-6600 ext. 407
Fax: +(503) 210-6655
Proceso is published weekly in Spanish by the Center for Information, Documentation and Research Support (CIDAI) of the Central American University (UCA) of El Salvador. Portions are sent in English to the *reg.elsalvador* conference of PeaceNet in the USA and may be forwarded or copied to other networks and electronic mailing lists. Please make sure to mention Proceso when quoting from this publication.
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Editorial: TituloThe corruption inside the Executive power
Politics: TituloSadam before the presence of justice
Economy: TituloThe housing shortage
TituloThe corruption inside the Executive power
It seems that the press has been
set free to show the corruption acts that are taking place inside some of
the public institutions that depend on the Executive power. To judge by the
information revealed about the National Institute of Sports (INDES, in
Spanish), the National Administration of Aqueducts and Sewages (ANDA), and
the company that controls the emission of gas of the vehicles, the
“prohibition” of the Flores administration would have ended, at least in a
selective manner. The most important public officials seem to be prudent
when they are asked to compare the administrations. The reports confirm the
suspicions about the corruption inside the Executive power. However, that
subject is more intense than the revelations of the media. During the Flores
administration, the press was merciless with the Legislative and the
Judicial power, but it overlooked the Executive as if it were the exception.
It is interesting to observe how the public officials favor their partners
and their friends, and how they also receive the benefits of their
relationships. They alter the reference terms of the bids, they modify the
offers, and they use the public funds with freedom because they pay more
than what the goods and services they purchase actually cost. A relative or
a friend at the head of a public institution is a unique opportunity to make
a good profit at he expense of the public funds.
TituloSadam before the presence of justice
COn last Thursday,
July 1st, Sadam Hussein was brought before the presence of Iraq’s justice.
All of the international media covered the news about this case. The former
dictator arrived wearing handcuffs, and a judge read to him the different
charges that he has against him. This date will remain forever in the memory
of all the Iraqi people. On the one hand, we have the reactions of those who
sympathize with Sadam, the people that, according to the journalists, lived
a happy life during his dictatorship. Those in favor of him, spoke about
their indignation for what was happening with their former president. Some
of them even swore before the cameras of the international media that they
would be willing to give their blood for Hussein.
TituloThe housing shortage
To have a home of their own is
vital for a family. Inside this space the people find privacy, harmony, and
they share a series of values and social ideas that determine the way in
which the members of a family become part of the society. From an economic
perspective, a home is a fundamental factor so that the families are able to
fulfill their most important material needs. When a family does not have a
home of its own, its members find a serious obstacle to develop their
existence and become part of the society.
Tel: +503-210-6600 ext. 407, Fax: +503-210-6655 |