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Proceso 1166
October 19 2005
ISSN 0259-9864





Editorial: Misleading interpretations

Politics: Sophistry and the pre-electoral fanaticism

Economy: Funds for the reconstruction




Misleading interpretations


According to the present ARENA administration, both God and nature would be mainly responsible for the last national tragedy. God, because he created things in an imperfect manner, he created a country in a high-risk area, subjected to earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and eruptions. Surrounded by volcanoes and mountains, many inhabitants had no choice but to build their houses in the outskirts or by a river, and these conditions make people’s lives even more vulnerable. Nature, on the other hand, would play the role assigned by God and punish the population in a merciless way. This is how, with such a misleading interpretation, the country is under a permanent threat, and, therefore, people have to learn to live at risk, in a country that could become an enormous shelter full of victims. The administration of ARENA rejects any sort of investigation to establish the identity of the responsible ones. According to this party, no one is responsible for the present tragedy. This is the old argument that tries to run away from any kind of explanations. Since the war was an issue that involved everybody, nobody is responsible for it; since so many people are killing each other, no one has to give any explanations about the crimes against humankind. In summary, it is better not to wonder about whose responsibility this is, and resign ourselves to our own destiny, whatever it might be.

It is very common to try and make God responsible for the catastrophes, but this is wrong. The spirit of creation is not our enemy, or different from humankind. People, with their actions, do turn it into a menace. Therefore, it is unacceptable to say, just like President Saca does, that “we Salvadorans have been created in adversity”. We are the ones that have turned the environment into adversity. To blame God for this is to overlook the irresponsible manner in which urbanizations, shopping malls, and roads have been built, an explanation that the ARENA government avoids every time its actions are questioned. The same institutional weakness, an evident factor in the lack of territorial planning and urban development, also governmental responsibilities, is another aspect that explains what happened. The governments of ARENA have under appreciated the development of the nucleus of informal power, which has replaced the juridical and the social organization of the State. The institutional weakness is the responsibility of the Executive authority, with its President leading the way, it is also the responsibility of the other two powers, of the local governments, and of some of the construction companies (those companies that the system allows to act without any boundaries, and that are not sanctioned when there are deaths or damages).

Thousands of Salvadoran families live in high-risk areas, not because God wants them to live like that, but because they have no choice. They do not have access to a safe home. They do not qualify for a loan, and the governmental housing programs do not count them among their beneficiaries. Their members do not have a permanent job, and if they do, their income hardly allows to them purchase the bare essentials. The few possessions that they have are all part of a personal sacrifice. That is why they refuse to leave their homes. They know very well that if they lose their few personal belongings, no one will support them to replace what might get lost. To lose these things means more misery. It is easy to order that people have to be evacuated, but for those who have no place to go, these orders are very hard to accept. These families do not live like this because they want to, but because they have been forced into this situation through different mechanisms.

Undoubtedly, the hand of God is very powerful, but God does not need to test human beings to verify their capacity to overcome crucial situations; however, President Saca does think that God is putting this society through a test. The relation of God with human kind is not a set of tests with rewards for the people with more skills. God, for being all mighty, but most of all, for being kind and compassionate, does not need to test anyone to know what is in the bottom of their hearts. He knows all that without any sort of tests. God does offer many opportunities to human kind in order to rectify its actions, in addition to what might be inside a human heart. Sometimes it is also revealed what drives people’s attitudes towards the others and towards nature. Some people’s disrespect for humankind and for God’s creation plan is evident, without the need of a catastrophe such as the one as last week’s. It has not been God the one that has organized the process of creation in an inadequate manner, it has been us human beings the ones that have disorganized nature’s course, led by ambitions of power and wealth.

It is not true either that the Salvadorans have always overcome those tests allegedly imposed by God; President Saca only refers to this sort of “tests” in order to create a false sense of hope. And the proof of this is the negligent attitude of the ARENA administrations towards the different kinds of threats and risks. They left the mitigation tasks unfinished after the earthquakes of 2001, and they overlooked others. A proof of this is the abandonment in which the population lives; the people’s hopes are set on the possibility to emigrate to North America because their own land denies them the chance to live with dignity. The country’s most important challenge is to make it “livable” in order that the inhabitants prefer to stay here rather than just run away at any cost from misery and risk.

President Saca assures that “he cannot feel at ease before the needs of the population”. However, these needs have been there ever since his inauguration day, even earlier when he made his campaign promises, and since ARENA monopolized the power. If during his first year as President he would have gotten closer to the population in order to discuss the society’s problems with the people –and not just establish a dialogue for advertising reasons-, just as he promised, he would have discovered those needs, and perhaps he would have taken care of that and put some order in his administration to prevent the damage and avoid so much loss and suffering. If he had actually seen the faces full of pain of the population, his administration would have taken a different direction. His slogan: “A government with human sense” is just that, a slogan, a portion of a permanent advertising campaign aimed to hide the national reality away with an image strategy. A true sense of human significance would have led his administration to provide the citizenry with social and environmental security. However, it can never be late to “dignify people’s existence”.

The presidential discourse about the floods ends with an invitation to solidarity; however, the Salvadoran population does not need to hear such things. The population has enough solidarity when it comes to face this kind of tragedy, as it has happened in numerous occasions. The people’s sense of generosity is enormous. What the Salvadorans need, and what is systematically being denied to them is the means to make that solidarity an institutional factor in order to guarantee a good life and the proper care of the environment. What the Salvadorans need is to strengthen their sense of local organization and their perception as a community in order to establish the appropriate mechanisms to share. President Saca should not expect that the people who throw their garbage in the creeks become his main collaborators, because they do not have anywhere else to dispose of it, and because they lack an elemental amount of knowledge about this sort of problems. Instead, the President should ask for the collaboration of those that are mainly responsible for the country’s enormous economic differences.




Sophistry and the pre-electoral fanaticism


The FMLN reported this week what the party calls “a state of electoral exception”. This is a series of electoral reforms approved by ARENA, the PCN, and the PDC to, according to the left-wing party, disregard the power of the opposition in the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE, in Spanish). The reforms enable the TSE to make decisions with a simple majority –that is, with just three out of five votes-, instead of doing it by a qualified vote process. This allows ARENA to do whatever its members decide to do counting with the votes of the electoral magistrates of the PCN and the one of the Supreme Court of Justice, represented by Mario Salamanca.

The reforms give away shares of 20% in the Vote Collecting Boards, in the Electoral Boards of the Departments, and in the Municipal Electoral Boards. This how these shares remain in the hands of the members of ARENA, the FMLN, the PDC, and the PCN. The 20% that is left is shared by the new parties. The magistrate of the FMLN, Eugenio Chicas, indicated that this process allows that the decisions are made between the alliance of the official party and both the PDC and the PCN.

ARENA justifies these reforms saying that they allow the decision making process to be faster. It is true, it makes it faster indeed, but this is to favor the official party. It establishes a mechanism that can easily create a fraud in the next elections, something that, the way things are going, does not seem to look like an exemplary event.

Some people refer to El Salvador as an example of a political transition towards democracy, after a scenery of political polarization and military conflicts. But it is during a pre-electoral season when people can actually see how much the mentality about a war has changed. It is not necessary that the TSE opens the electoral campaign; it is enough with just a few months in advance to see the most violent expressions of both the left and the right wing emerge.

It is important to mention, for instance, the death of a young activist from ARENA, Ana Erika Quintanilla Torres. This kind of events, as it usually happens, is used with an electoral purpose. Without much of an actual piece of evidence, the members of the official party made its main contender, the FMLN, responsible for the homicide. However, according to the investigations of the National Civilian Police, a couple of gang members were arrested, and they were allegedly accused of the crime. According to the police, Quintanilla was the victim of a death threat when she left the gang she belonged to. Her murder, therefore, did not have a political motive.

It is a sad story to see President Saca become part of this slight way of handling crime, and stating that “the FMLN has begun to attack because it has serious internal problems, and they are losing their mayors and congressmen, and it sees that a catastrophic defeat is on the way, and what they have done is begin to attack and insult others; in addition, they have already announced a war against the government”. This statement was published by the Co-Latino Newspaper, on September 21st of 2005.

The left-wing does not seem to have an exemplar behavior either, and it also seems to have learned what are the political tricks of the right-wing. The leader of the Association of Workers of the Social Security Institute (STISS, in Spanish), Ricardo Monje, was arrested because he was allegedly accused of sexually abusing his stepdaughter. In spite of the repulsion of the feminist organizations, the STISS handled the arrest as part of a campaign created by ARENA against the organization. The member of this union was one of the main leaders of the national protests against the privatization of the public health system.

In this case, no one knew, or no one wanted to know the difference between the professional and the domestic aspect of this matter. The one that reported the events was not, as it would seem if this logic were true, ARENA, but the partner of the union’s member. Whoever criticizes the leader of a union, according to the logic of political fanaticism, cannot be but an enemy of the working class.

However, it is important to say that the private life of Monge and the union that he represents are two different things. If he is found guilty, the fight against the privatization of the public health system will not be discredited. What might lose credibility in this case is the individual. It is important to see this because in an environment of fanaticism such as the Salvadoran one, it is easy to mix these things with specific interests. If, in fact, the party of the government is interested to neutralize the union, this does not mean that Monge will not have to face his responsibilities with the judicial authorities of the country.

The same discredit campaigns
The eighties stood out for having a poor environment of political discussion. With a strong sense of censorship for everything that could smell like the left-wing. The members of ARENA were the only ones able to express their thoughts, as well as their contenders form the Christian Democracy. The newspapers were filled with “paid advertisements”, some of them had signatures and identification codes of questionable authenticity; others just seemed to sign with the name of a ghostly association. These paid advertisements were used to slander the members of the opposition that were connected with the guerrilla, and this was equivalent to a death threat.

Fortunately, times have changed, and El Salvador is now in a transition process that some people refer to as “exemplary”. However, there are individuals that do not change the old habits. One of them, identified as the person who writes more letters addressed to the Congress in order to request that the Parliament punishes the FMLN, last week published in a newspaper an entire page in which he made a connection between the party of the left-wing and the disasters. The former members of the guerrilla, according to this person, were to blame for the damaged national infrastructure that would cost millions of dollars. And that was why, he indicated, they had to compensate the Salvadoran population for the damage that was caused.

One of the first things that they usually mention about the FMLN during the campaigns is precisely this kind of discussion. When they have intended to look for an excuse to explain the flaws of the economic model, they have blamed it on the destruction of bridges, and on the destruction of the electricity posts’ nets, among other aspects, caused by the former guerrilla members. When they have intended to rave about the achievements of the economic system, they have highlighted the recovery capacity pulled off thanks to the administrations of the official party.

This character is right at one point. The FMLN has to compensate the Salvadoran society for the damage that was caused during the war. However, the right-wing also has to do their own thing. The right-wing should, in this sense, compensate the people of the affected areas because of the operatives of the counter-insurgence. The FMLN might have destroyed bridges, but let us not forget that others also bombarded areas in which a considerable amount of people lived, and others put many families on the street, for instance. However, this kind of paid advertisement does not intend to compensate the victims of the war, the victims that suffered for the actions of both the guerrilla and the army.




Funds for the reconstruction


The minister of Hacienda (internal revenue service), Guillermo Lopez Suarez, spoke about the transformations of next year’s General Budget of the Nation. These variations have to do with a reconfiguration of the income and the expenses to face the reconstruction of the country after the floods. For the last period of 2005, an important set of modifications will take place in order to take care of the reconstruction tasks in the short –term. In both cases, the government will assign the money of the loans that were destined for other activities. There are $134 million for reconstruction projects programmed for 2005 and 2006.

According to the source of the Ministry of Hacienda, the loans have already been approved by the Legislative Assembly, all that is left to do is that the congressmen approve of the new distribution of the funds. The first time that the members of the parliament voted to approve the credits, the objectives were very different from the ones that Hacienda is promoting now. A considerable amount of the funds was destined to the reconstruction of new roads; however, because of the damages caused by the rain, this money will be used now for reconstruction and mitigation projects, among other aspects.

For the last period of 2005, the government expects to spend approximately $70 million. Out of this amount, $38 million will be used to build drainage systems, vaults, and slopes. Another $10 million will be used to start with the first phase of the housing reconstruction project for the victims. In the short-term, $10.7 and $8.5 million will be assigned to the drainage project of the Ilopango Lake and other mitigation duties in the neighborhood “Las Colinas”, in Santa Tecla. Another $95,000 will be used to identify the amount of victims and their loss. This money will also be used to design drainages and vaults.

The reconstruction and the risk mitigation projects will continue in 2006. For this year there are $63.5 million available. This amount will be assigned to practically the same activities developed in 2005. Those activities would be: $12.6 million for the drainages, vaults, and slopes; $20 million to continue with the construction of houses; $800,000 to design drainages, vaults, and slopes.

A few days ago, President Saca stated that $230 million would be necessary for the reconstruction process. However, between 2005 and 2006 only a little more than 50% of this amount will be used. In this sense, the Minister of Hacienda said that he expects that the remaining amount of funds can be obtained through the international aid.

The budget of 2006
For the next year, the State expects to spend $3,338 million. The budget is distributed in the following manner, according to the different administration areas: the area of social development counts with $1,094.4 million (32.8%); the public debt, $779.9 million (23.4%); while the general obligations of the State go as high as $483.5 million (14.5%). On the other hand, $402.2 million will be assigned to the administration of justice and the civilian security area, while for the administrative tasks they will use $338 million (10.1%) and $240 million more to support the economic development. According to the information of the Ministry of Hacienda, the social area will count with the highest budget allocation. This means that the new government will be making a higher social investment level for the next year. However, it seems so critical to see that the budget to pay for the public debt is the second most important and highest amount: more that a fifth part of the budget has been assigned to face the financial engagements of the State.

The budget for 2006 exceeds the 2005 budget by $346 million. This amount, increased by 11.6%, is mainly due to the payment of the pensions, the financing of the Social Economic Development Fund of the Counties (FODES, in Spanish), the increase of the public sector’s employees’ salary, and the financing of the Fund of Disasters, as well as the expenses of the elections, among other things. The ministry considered that the subsidy promised to the public transportation businessmen, because of the increasing prices of gasoline, was a “compromise” that had to be immediately delivered.

There are $40 million available to increase the salary of the public employees. This increase will be different for every sector. Those employees that that earn less than $400 will receive a 10% increase. The salaries, which oscillate between $401 and $700 will be increased by 8%. The salaries between $700.01 and $1000 will be increased by 6%. The rest will be increased by 3%.

It is important to say that the proposal of the General Budget of the Nation for 2006 was designed before the floods. On September 30th, the document was sent to the Legislative Assembly to be studied and approved. However, due to the damage caused by the rain in the first days of October, several congressmen considered that such project would be totally discarded and that the Ministry of Hacienda would present a new project that would consider the destruction caused by the rain. However, at the beginning of the week, Minister Lopez Suarez said that in order to go ahead with the reconstruction tasks of the next year, it is necessary for the congressmen to approve the 2006 Budget Project first and later, the allocation of resources for the reconstruction of the country. For instance, according to the budget of next year, the Ministry of Public Works (MOP, in Spanish) would have $144 million available, that is, $14.6 million less than what was stipulated in the budget of 2005. However, for the reconstruction projects, that ministry will count with $47.2 million. In gross terms, the MOP will count with $32.6 million more than in 2005.

The disposition to approve, in the first place, the formerly mentioned project, and, later on, the resources for the reconstruction of the country is not a difficult task in economic terms. It is not necessary, just like several congressmen expected, to design a new budget project that would consider the damages caused by the rain. In terms of numbers, the results in both cases would be the same. However, from a political perspective, the situation can turn a bit complicated. This can happen because, to determine the priorities for the reconstruction duties of the next year, it is necessary to approve as soon as possible the budget for 2006. This sets limits on the capacity of the congressmen to make any observations in reference to the budget for the next year.

In the last years, the approval of the State’s budget has been a complicated task in the Legislative Assembly. The Executive authority, through the Ministry of Hacienda, has presented the budget hoping that it can be approved immediately. On the other hand, the congressmen of the opposition have constantly questioned the allocations of several ministries, and they have spoken about the importance to make some adjustments in the budget. The years 2004 and 2005 have been examples of how the budgets cannot always be immediately approved.

Now, with the reconstruction duties that the country has to take care of, the Executive authority will pressure the Legislative Assembly to immediately approve the budget in order to go ahead with a new legislative authorization to finance the reconstruction tasks. If the structure of the State’s general budget is questioned, the official party will understand such attitude as a lack of will to work on the reconstruction of the country. It should not seem odd if when the discussion about the budget becomes trapped in the Legislative Assembly the Executive authority begins to accuse the congressmen of the opposition of wanting to arrest the country’s development. Despite the fact that, in several opportunities, the observations and their questioning about the budget are well founded, the parties of the opposition should be able to overcome such situation. Most of all when the elections are just around the corner.





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