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Proceso 1185
March 15, 2006
ISSN 0259-9864





Editorial: Modest results

Politics: Preliminary results of the elections for mayor's offices and deputies

Politics: Three days of uncertainty




Modest results


After a great expense of energy and resources, neither of both major parties got what they expected for the last elections, besides now, each one in its way, are making an effort to show its best face to cover these modest results. This does not mean that they had considerable losses, but the winnings make everyone unsatisfied. Preliminary data point to a very equal vote for both. From this scope, both got the same amount of votes, so claiming to be the first political force in the country is an imprecision of both, whose aim is not to defraud their militants.

In a first approach, both would have a similar number of deputies, around thirty-three, besides it is probable that ARENA has two or three more than the FMLN. In a closer approach, the FMLN would have one more than 2003; but ARENA would have six or seven more. This party would have more deputies than the FMLN, but other thing is that this party would recover the deputies it lost during this legislature, due to its internal divisions. From this scope, ARENA would have advanced more than the FMLN. Nevertheless, none has the simple majority in the Assembly. To achieve it, they will have to deal with the Partido de Conciliación Nacional PCN). Therefore, none of them, on its own, will be able to make its parliamentary agenda successful. Perhaps for this reason, both are talking about dialogue and concertation, but they maintain that its rival refuses this. This attitude does not augur anything but a legislative stalemate and more polarization. In a qualified vote, the FMLN would have an advantage, which it currently lacks of. Its votes will be necessary to achieve this majority. This advantage is not given by a meaningful vote increase, but to the new legislature configuration. The increase of ARENA at the expense of the small parties, played down their current prominence. Every year, there is a group of elections that require the FMLN's votes and this gave the left wing party a relatively important power to struggle for some of their proposals. The question is how will they use that power, which is related with the attitude adopted by ARENA. Without their votes, the FMLN won't be able to get a qualified vote, either.

Besides almost al the municipalities in the big San Salvador belong to the FMLN, the election in the capital is not defined yet and it will be defined by a few votes. It is understandable that in this context, dominated by the FMLN, this party is entangled in a closed competition with ARENA for the mayor's office of San Salvador. Claiming that this is a heroic position for the disadvantages or irregularities of the rivals is diverting attention from the core of the problem. Until now, the FMLN's triumph in San Salvador was so easy. On the last day of February, it had a small advantage over ARENA, which lost the election. Nevertheless, ARENA and the FMLN proclaimed their triumph in advance and irresponsibly, because none of them had fundaments for it. When proclaiming themselves winners, they opened the door so the loser can cry fraud. The intervention of the president of the Republic in this risky ARENA's proclamation is a major irresponsibility, because his opinion is not the average citizen's and because him, more than anyone else, has the duty of preserving the institutionality in the country. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal had to intervene in a vane attempt to put an end to these risky proclamations.

The typical superficial discourse on the importance of the citizens' vote as a democratic exercise, which is a part of the electoral ritual, is hiding irregularities. From all the elections celebrated since 1992, this one had the most severe organizational problems and was the election in which the electoral law was violated with impunity. For the first time, the voting centers were opened with delay due to logistic problems, the security ink did not work and even caused injuries, many people had difficulties with the electoral registry, there was no signs, the crew was not qualified, etc. The three major parties violated electoral law and the electoral authorities did not prevent it, neither punished the culprits. Both ARENA and the FMLN made propaganda in the voting centers, lead votes, bought votes, took the ballots to the inhabitants of the towns in the other side of the Salvadoran border and displaced population from nearby municipalities so they vote in other towns, confused the identification documents, faked identification documents and exerted violence on the citizenry. It is true that these facts did not influence on the results in a determinant way, but they made evident the institutional weakness in El Salvador. Irregularities and illegalities were not isolated actions anymore as in the last elections, but systematic actions.

As in other fields of national life, none of the electoral authorities prevented these violations neither punished the culprits. They even not try to. Even more, they excused the violations and attributed them to political passion. The truth is that they did not intervene because they lack of authority in doing so. All the electoral officers, formally sworn as authorities to guarantee the process' legitimacy, played at the same time the incompatible role of party representatives. Therefore, if the culprit belongs to the party, the officer is unaware of the action; but if he belongs to the main adversary, then his protests are as angry as useless.

Faced with these preliminary results, the time that both the parties and the ARENA's government devoted to campaign, the propagandistic bombing, the constant public interventions of their candidates and the direct intervention of president Saca did not show the expected results. On the contrary, abstention has been too elevated for the effort made. It is true that abstention is common in democracies, gut, until the last minute both ARENA and the political parties talked about a massive vote, of a great enthusiasm and of a great interest in the election. If one adds to this that most of the electors decided their vote before the campaign began, the effort and the resource waste are nonsense




Preliminary results of the elections for mayor's offices and deputies


The March 12 election left a new power distribution in municipalities. In the same way, the election established a new power configuration inside the Legislative Assembly. In general terms, both ARENA and the FMLN are the main winners. Both of them won most of the mayor's offices and deputies in the country. Old parties, as PCN and PDC, still have an important presence in the country, on spite of the political polarization in the country. In the other side there is the CD, that won a minimal quantity of mayor's offices and deputies.

According with the preliminary scrutiny of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), and to the data of the media, ARENA won most of the municipalities: 145. Behind them is the FMLN, which won sixty municipalities. Under them there would be PCN, PDC and CD, with 39, 14 and 3 mayor's offices. In first place, it is important to emphasize that these results are subject to changes, because in many municipalities there is a minimal percentile difference of votes among the main parties. There are municipalities where the difference oscillates between the 1 and 3%. In second place, the percentile differences are not definitive, because in the preliminary scrutiny process, the TSE did not process all the municipalities' acts. In the municipalities with a minimal percentile difference, it will be necessary to wait for the results in the final scrutiny in order to ratify or change the results in the preliminary scrutiny.

In this election, the ruling party got better results than in 2003. In the last election, ARENA won 111 municipalities. Now it would won 34 more, which equals 145 municipalities. The largest number of municipalities comes from Chalatenango and Morazán, where the ruling party would won more than 15 municipalities. On spite the considerable increase in the number of municipalities, ARENA resents not to "recover", once more, the mayor's office in the capital city. This will diminish in a considerable extent the triumph of the ruling party, for the capital was the base of its electoral campaign.

Based on the preliminary results, the FMLN won 20 municipalities. Two of them were won in coalition. In 2003, the left wing party won 62 municipalities on its own, and won other 12 in coalition, which equaled 74 municipalities. Analyzing the results including coalitions, the FMLN would lose 14 municipalities, compared to 2003. However, if coalitions are excluded, the FMLN loses only four municipalities. This loss may be linked with the dismissal of some emblematic mayors, who decided to participate under other party's flag, as a result of their differences with the party leadership. Many of the mayors who did this political maneuver will keep their charges in their municipalities.

The results for PCN are not favorable, on spite that they keep the control many municipalities around the country. For this election, the right wing party won 39 municipalities. In the past election, they won 53. In La Unión, PCN won nine municipalities. This is the place where that party won more municipalities. According with the members of PCN, many of the losses in this election are due to the political polarization in the country. This would be the result of the radicalization of the rightist voters, who would vote for ARENA instead of PCN. The loss would be compensated with the triumph in the municipality of San Miguel, the most important in the Eastern zone of the country.

PDC did not have substantial changes in the number of the municipalities they won in 2003. In that chance, the party seized the control of 14 municipalities on its own. This means that competing on its own, the number of municipalities remain the same. CD won in this election only three municipalities. In the election of 2003, it won four. In general terms, amongst the small parties, PDC and CD have practically the same results, while PCN diminished in a larger extent compared with the last municipal elections. It is important to mention that CD won a municipality because of its coalition with FDR party, whose members were part of the FMLN in the past. That one seems to be the only mayor's office won by the CD and FDR coalition.

Last election also changed the force correlation inside the Legislative Assembly. According with TSE's preliminary data, ARENA and FMLN remain being the first political forces in the country. Both parties increased their deputies. PDC won one more deputy. In general terms, the election's results provoked a change in the distribution of power in the Assembly, which benefited the main parties.

ARENA shows the biggest increase in the number of deputies. The ruling party would get seven more deputies than in 2003. In the last election, it won 27 deputies and in this election, it would get 34 deputies. In this election, the FMLN won 32 deputies, one more than 2003. In other words, in terms of seats in the Assembly, the ruling party is successful in two senses: in first place, it increased its deputies more than any other party. In the other hand, such increase was enough to have more deputies in the Assembly, including those of its rival, the FMLN. This does not mean that "political play" in the assembly will be easy for the ruling party. In fact, for many specialists in politics, the conformation of the new assembly will force the main parties to establish new consensus and this is a weakness for the ruling party.

PCN and CD diminished three and five deputies in turn. For the right wing party, this was due to the political polarization in the country. In this sense, it is probable that the traditional vote for the PCN moved in favor of ARENA during this election. CD won two deputies and the coalition with the FDR was almost useless. In this way, the thesis that maintains that the former FMLN's members who move to other parties always lose the elections for the Assembly is confirmed.

Finally, the PDC won five deputies, one more than 2003. It seems that this party was not affected by the political polarization, because it kept constant the numbers of deputies and municipalities since 2003.




Three days of uncertainty


The time passed between the official closing of elections, after 5 p.m. of March 12, and the official declarations of the municipal results in the capital, deserves a serious analysis. At the end of Wednesday 15, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) did not proclaim the winner of the municipal election in San Salvador. This prolonged the uncertainty of the electors, particularly of those who voted for the FMLN's candidate, Violeta Menjívar, who gathered in some zones of the city to demonstrate against the delay.

The rest of results were more or less clear: an impacting triumph of the ARENA party in the municipalities and the legislature, by the increase of their seats in the assembly, compared to the current legislature. In the other hand, a squalid triumph of the FMLN in some of the symbolic municipalities of the country, most of all, in the metropolitan area of San Salvador, were ARENA only retained the mayor's office in Antiguo Cuscatlán. The main opposition party also won a considerable presence in the Assembly, enough to force the ruling party to negotiate. Even though, the FMLN lost many mayors' offices and was far off winning 43 deputies, which was its self-imposed aim. Anyway, there are some aspects to reflect during those hours of uncertainty.

The role of TSE
One of the most questioned institutions is TSE, due to the delay in announcing the results of the election and to the discretion in which their magistrates managed the electoral process. If one pays attention to the antecedents, these are very negative. The case is that the TSE has won harsh critics due to the excessive influence of the parties on it, which have affected its objectivity and impartiality until this day. It is clear that the performance of this institution favored partisan criteria. And this was reflected during the mentioned period of time.

Since the time that ballots were closed for the citizenry, the magistrates of TSE did not respect the times set by them. The most alarming case was the municipal results in San Salvador, which have been postponed intentionally, under the argument that the voting was very close. However, since March 13, the trends favored the FMLN's candidate. The left wing party and many social sectors interpreted the delay of TSE as a pretext to hide the triumph of the FMLN. Or worse of all, as an attempt to perpetrate a possible illegal triumph of the candidate of ARENA, taking into account that this party would hardly accept its defeat.

The delay would provoke a harsh reaction from Menjívar's supporters, who gathered outside the place in which the magistrates were recounting votes manually. The events during the protest are confused: some police agents deployed in order to avoid the entrance of the demonstrators injured seven persons at least. Most of media said that the demonstrators provoked and attacked the policemen; other media maintained the opposite version. The point is that seven persons were injured in a situation provoked by the inefficiency of the TSE.

The role of parties
The same day of elections, the two main parties celebrated their respective triumphs. Also PDC and PCN, but in a smaller extent. CD was making estimations in order not to disappear and PNL was dying with a scarce popular support. In the case of San Salvador, both the ARENA's candidate, Rodrigo Samayoa and the FMLN's, Violeta Menjívar, celebrated with their crews. Their estimations made them feel successful, but what is true is that the trends favor Menjívar.

If ARENA loses in San Salvador, that would be hard for all the party and governmental apparatus, because Samayoa was backed by the media and financial power. The president of the country himself made his presidential post in order to lead the campaign for Samayoa. The only thing remaining was the fire test in the ballots and it seems that it failed.

In the other hand, Menjívar ran a more modest campaign, focusing in debating the problems of the capital with the other candidates, with the exception of ARENA. In this sense, the candidate of the FMLN revealed more stature and personality, contrasting with the absence of her ARENA party rival, who did not show himself in the debates organized by TV and radio networks. The ARENA's candidate wanted to repeat Saca's pedantry, refusing to debate with his rivals, but it only evidenced, at least, his lack of political personality.

Inside ARENA, its president developed a role that raised many doubts in his democratic vocation. He himself raised Samayoa's hands to declare him winner, when trends were denying it. Saca would have to explain to the citizenry why he played that kind of role, not only in that moment, but also during the campaign. Saca, as none of the presidents have done in the past, exposed his figure to win an almost absolute power for his party, but the triumph of ARENA is turning ridiculous if compared with the arsenal he used. The case is that ARENA and its president maneuvered to gain more support than they got.

The role of media
It can be said that the media filled the void left by TSE. Many of the media kept aware of the end of the elections and the recounting process. Many radio and TV programs revealed the scarce data given by TSE. In TV, the anchormen and women invited analysts who exposed their interpretations on the facts. In written media, there was also a large coverage of the process, but it was less critical than radio and TV, which evidenced a critical approach on the institutions that participated in the process.

The citizenry had enough information to form itself an idea of the distribution of power after knowing the electoral results, but the problem appeared in San Salvador, where TSE has kept the results secret. Even though, the media had a fundamental role, as information and formation tools.





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